Monday, December 1, 2014

Meet: The Crockett Extended Clan

You may remember Kate, Brian and little Gwen from our warm weather shoot back in late May. Kate was seriously pregnant with baby #2 and Gwen was primed and ready to become a big sister. Fast forward six months and baby brother Preston is beginning to smile and Gwen is hilariously chit chatty.

Kate and her sister, Lizzy, contacted me about a month ago about doing a family shoot as a holiday gift to the rest of the Crockett clan.  With Kate and Brian in Maine, Lizzie and fiance Ben in Virginia, Sarah in Colorado and Kevin and his girlfriend Molly, in Washington state, it was certainly a special occasion that they were all in Maine for the Thanksgiving holiday!  So instead of shopping, we spent a couple of hours on Black Friday playing in the pre-Thanksgiving snow.  High school parties were often hosted at the Crockett family house so it was fun to be there as adults, a far cry from staying up until dawn and sleeping on the floor!  Lucky for Steve and Joyce, we're well past those days with a husband, a fiance, a girlfriend and two grandchildren joining their family over the past few years.

Crockett family, thanks again for having me up to play!  I had a ball, I hope you enjoy!

PS I have been less than thrilled with the quality of my uploads onto blogspot recently which has spurred me to finally start working on a real website...winter project...stay tuned!